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The Master of San Ildefonso was a painter active in Castile in the last quarter of the 15th century (Post, 1933; Gudiol Ricart, 1955; Silva Maroto, 2007). His name comes from one of the paintings he executed: the Panel of Saint Ildefonso. His works are characterised by meticulous attention to detail, the use of intense colours and a remarkable realism in the depiction of the figures and their clothing. Some of the works attributed to the Master of San Ildefonso are scattered in museums and national and international institutions. See, for example: Adoration of the Christ Child (Detroit Institute of Arts) or Saint Paul and Saint James the Elder (Statens Museum for Kunst).

  • GUDIOL RICART, José (1955): Pintura Gótica. Ars Hispaniae. Historia Universal del Arte Hispánico, Plus Ultra, Madrid, pp. 337-338.
  • POST, Chandler Rathfon (1933): A History of Spanish Painting, vol. 4 (The Hispano-Flemish Style in North-Western Spain), nº 2, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts).
  • SILVA MAROTO, Pilar (2007): "Pintura hispanoflamenca castellana. De Toledo a Guadalajara: el foco toledano", en La pintura gótica durante el siglo XV en tierras de Aragón y en otros territorios peninsulares, Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza, Institución "Fernando el Católico", Zaragoza, pp. 299-334.
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