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Smithsonian, Washington.

Jacques Seligmann

New York (United States)


Jacques Seligmann was born in 1858 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), but emigrated to Paris in 1874. It was in the French capital where he was able to apply his knowledge of art and, together with his brother Arnold, founded “Jacques Seligmann & Cie,” a shop where they sold antiques (Marès, 2000). The success of the business led to the opening of another branch in New York. There, they came into contact with some of the wealthiest American families: John Pierpont Morgan, William Randolph Hearst, and Edmond Rothschild were among their clients (Merino de Cáceres & Martínez Ruiz, 2012). A family dispute caused the firm to split: from then on, Arnold focused on Italian art and established his own business, “Arnold Seligmann & Cie.”, which, after his marriage to Emile Rey, became known as “Arnold Seligmann, Rey & Co.”; meanwhile, Jacques’ son, Germain, followed in his father’s footsteps in “Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.” (Marín Medina, 1988). Both businesses suffered the devastating consequences of World War II, as they were of Jewish origin and their assets were seized by the Nazis (Merino de Cáceres & Martínez Ruiz, 2012).

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