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Hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga

Soria (Spain)


Cultural Heritage Site. Declaration Date: 24/08/1917.

The Hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga (Casillas de Berlanga, Soria) was built between the last third of the 11th century (circa 1085) and the early 12th century. The site was located on the frontier between Christian and Muslim territories, resulting in architecture that blended elements from both religions, such as the large central column from which ribs extend and spread towards the ceiling (Little, 1993). Its remote location was crucial in attracting the attention of León Levi, an agent who specialised in acquiring artistic treasures to later sell abroad. Following a thwarted attempt by the Civil Guard, the Italian achieved his goal, and on the night of 23 to 24 June 1926, along with a group of men working for him, he stole the mural paintings from the hermitage (Martínez Ruiz, 2013). The paintings were purchased by Gabriel Dereppe, who subsequently sold them to collectors and American museums. In 1957, some fragments returned to Spain following an exchange between the Spanish State and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Currently, the paintings are dispersed across various national and international museums: Deer Hunt,Hare Hunt,Soldier or Hunter,Elephant,Bear,Curtain,Creation of Adam andThe Original Sin (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid); The Last Supper Frieze andThe Three Marys at the Sepulchre (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston); Marriage at Cana andEntry into Jerusalem (Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis); Saint Nicholas andFalconer(Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati); Camel,The Temptations of Christ by the Devil,The Healing of the Blind Man and the Resurrection of Lazarus,Bear,Warrior with Shield,Hunting Scene,Hunting Scene II,Elephant(Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

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