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Félix Schlayer was born in 1873 in Reuthingen, Germany, and moved to Spain in 1895. He initially settled in Barcelona and, a few years later, relocated to Madrid, where he started his first business promoting inventions he himself created. In addition to being an inventor, Schlayer served as the Norwegian consul in Spain. Following the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Schlayer devoted his efforts to protecting and providing safe-conducts to those in need. However, in 1937, he was compelled to leave the country and return to Germany (Schlayer, 2008). After the end of the Civil War, he was able to return to Madrid and chose Torrelodones as his place of residence, where he passed away in 1950. Schlayer was a great art enthusiast and spent his life collecting artworks. This passion led him to foster cultural relations between Spain and Germany.

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