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Emilio Pares

Paris (France)


Emile Pares worked between Paris, Madrid and New York, dealing mainly in works of art from Spain and France for the international antiques market. He paid particular attention to works from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, especially sculptures, paintings, tapestries and furniture. Pares is linked to the sale and export of works of art in different parts of Castilla y León, such as the Simón Ruiz Hospital in Medina del Campo or the sale and export of the Grecoes from the cathedral of Valladolid in 1904 (Martínez Ruiz, 2008, II, p. 322). Also in Aragon, for example, the altarpiece of Archbishop Dalmau de Mur y Cervelló of Zaragoza, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, passed through his hands (Fernández Pardo, 2007). To carry out this activity, like other international antiquities dealers, he relied on local antiquities dealers in each place who informed him of pieces or offered works.

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