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PENHOS, Marta (2014). "Héctor Schenone", Caiana. Revista de Historia del Arte y Cultura Visual del Centro Argentino de Investigadores de Arte, 5, pp. 151-152.

Héctor Schenone (1919-2014) studied history in Buenos Aires and worked as a university professor. He was a member of the National Academy of History and the Academy of Fine Arts of Argentina. He was also secretary of the Institute of American Art and director of the Isaac Fernández Blanco Municipal Museum and the Julio E. Payró Institute of Theory and History of Art (UBA). He published numerous works throughout his life, including El arte de la imaginería en el Río de la Plata (1948), a work he wrote with Adolfo Ribera; Retablos, escultura y pintura colonial (1982) and Iconografía del Arte Colonial (1993). In 1947 he traveled to Spain thanks to a scholarship from the Department of Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid to continue his research. During this trip he acquired numerous works of art from Flanders, Italy and Castile.

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