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Siloé, Gil; Maestre Gil;

Gil de Siloé is regarded as one of the most significant sculptors of the late 15th century in Castile. Although his origins are unknown, it is believed that he may have come from Antwerp or Urliones, as he sometimes signed his works as "Gil de Enberres" and "Gil de Urliones." His presence in Burgos is documented around 1480, where he developed a sculptural style characterised by meticulousness and attention to detail (Yarza, 1991). Between 1483 and 1486, he worked on the Chapel of the Conception in Burgos Cathedral, collaborating with painter Diego de la Cruz. In 1486, he was commissioned by Isabella I of Castile to create the tomb of John II and Isabella of Portugal at the Carthusian Monastery of Miraflores (the sculpture of St James the Greater from this ensemble is currently housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art). From that point onwards, the Queen entrusted him with several other works, including the tomb of Prince Alfonso and that of Juan de Padilla (one of the sculptures from this tomb, St James the Less, is now part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection). In addition to his work in Burgos, Gil de Siloé's presence is also documented in Valladolid, where the Dominican Alonso de Burgos commissioned him to create several pieces for the College of San Gregorio, including the now-lost altarpiece of the chapel. Numerous works attributed to Gil de Siloé are present in various collections and museums. Notable examples include: Virgin Enthroned with Child (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid), The entrance doors to the cloister of the College of San Gregorio (Museo Nacional de Escultura, Valladolid), and Scenes from the Life of Christ (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

  • YARZA LUACES, Joaquín (1991): Gil de Siloé, vol. 16, Historia, Madrid.
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Siloé, Gil de

Burgos. Active 1480-1500

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