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Palencia Cathedral, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1929, dates back to the Visigothic period. Its oldest dependency is the crypt of San Antolin, whose relics, according to tradition, were brought to Palencia by King Wamba (672-683), which is why the cathedral is dedicated to this saint. The construction of the current building began in 1321, and the truth is that thanks to the impulse of successive prelates throughout history, such as Sancho de Rojas, in the first stage of construction, or Fray Alonso de Burgos, Fray Diego de Deza, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca or Juan Fernández de Velasco, in the last stage of construction of the building between 1485 and 1516, the diocese of Palencia became a cultural centre of great prestige in the Kingdom of Castile.

Proof of this is the rich artistic ensemble preserved in the temple, such as the main altarpiece, which houses works by masters such as Juan de Flandes, Felipe Vigarny, Pedro de Guadalupe, Alejo de Vahía, Juan de Balmaseda and Gregorio Fernández. It is also worth mentioning the plasterwork decoration by the Corral de Villalpando brothers, Juan and Jerónimo, in the Chapel of the Kings, or the beautiful choir loft, in which the polyptych of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin, a Flemish work by Jan Joest, can be seen. The cathedral museum preserves a work by El Greco: The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, and the collection of tapestries treasured by the cathedral is of great value, Flemish tapestries of extraordinary artistic quality, some of which were donated by Bishop Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca (1451-1524). 

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