Justice disarms the vices. Series Seven deadly sins or Conflict of Virtues and Vices. Tapestry from the cathedral of Palencia
Generic classification
First half of the 16th c.Cultural context / style
Flemish tapestriesDimensions
13'7'' x 22'1"Technique
WovenIconography / Theme
Vicios y virtudesProvenance
Palencia Cathedral (Palencia, Spain)Current location
Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts, Belgium (Brussels, Belgium)Inventory Number in Current Collection
1519 - 1935
Palencia Cathedral, Palencia (Spain)
Arthur Byne and Mildred Stapley Byne, Madrid (Spain) *
1935 - 1943
private collection
Collection of William R. Hearst, New York (United States) *
1943 - 1964
French & Company, New York (United States) *
1964 - present
* The relative location of dealers, antique shops, art galleries, and collectors leads us to the places where they were based or had one of their main headquarters. However, this does not always indicate that every artwork that passed through their hands was physically located there. In the case of antique dealers and art merchants, their business often extended across multiple territories; sometimes they would purchase items at their origin and send them directly to clients. Similarly, some collectors owned multiple residences, sometimes in different countries, where they housed their collections. It is often difficult to determine exactly where a specific piece was kept during its time in their possession. Consequently, the main location of the dealer or collector is indicated. These factors should be considered when interpreting the map. Refer to the object's history in each case.
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- DELMARCEL, Guy (1999): Flemish Tapestry, Thames & Hudson, Londres.
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- SAGARRA, Adelaida (2006): Juan Rodríguez Fonseca: un toresano en dos mundos, Diputación Provincial de Zamora, Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos "Florián de Ocampo", Zamora.
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Miguel Ángel Zalama and María José Martínez Ruiz, "Justice disarms the vices. Series Seven deadly sins or Conflict of Virtues and Vices. Tapestry from the cathedral of Palencia" in Nostra et Mundi. Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world, Fundación Castilla y León, 2025. https://inventario.nostraetmundi.com/en/work/261
The music. Tapestry. Serie of Vices and Virtues, from the cathedral of Palencia
W. R. Hearst Archives. Special Collections. B. D. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library. Long Island University, Brookville, Nueva York.
W. R. Hearst Archives. Special Collections. B. D. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library. Long Island University, Brookville, Nueva York.