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Apolinar Sánchez-Villalba

Madrid (Spain)


Apolinar Sánchez-Villalba was an antiquarian who worked in Madrid between 1910 and 1958. His shop was located at 3-5 Santa Catalina Street (Sánchez Sauleda, 2016). Although his initial interest lay in the buying and selling of tapestries, he later focused on acquiring sculptures, paintings, ceramics, and other artefacts. After dealing with him, Marès (2000) described him as follows: "[...] he was the antiquarian I worked with who handled the sale of a piece with the greatest ease and speed, showing the least attachment to keeping it. Buying and selling was his great passion." Following his death in 1958, his sister, Juana Sánchez-Villalba, took over the business (Sánchez Sauleda, 2020).

  • MARÈS DEULOVOL, Frederic (2000): El mundo fascinante del coleccionismo y de las antigüedades. memorias de la vida de un coleccionista, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 249-250.
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