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Paten of abbot Pelagius Fernandiz

Generic classification
ca. 1135-1140
First half of the 12th c.
Cultural context / style
Iconography / Theme
Agnus Dei
Iglesia de Santiago (Peñalba de Santiago, León, Spain)
Current location
Louvre Museum (Paris, France)
Inventory Number in Current Collection
OA 3201 B
* The relative location of dealers, antique shops, art galleries, and collectors leads us to the places where they were based or had one of their main headquarters. However, this does not always indicate that every artwork that passed through their hands was physically located there. In the case of antique dealers and art merchants, their business often extended across multiple territories; sometimes they would purchase items at their origin and send them directly to clients. Similarly, some collectors owned multiple residences, sometimes in different countries, where they housed their collections. It is often difficult to determine exactly where a specific piece was kept during its time in their possession. Consequently, the main location of the dealer or collector is indicated. These factors should be considered when interpreting the map. Refer to the object's history in each case.
  • AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS Y VILLALTA, Rodrigo (1876): "Cáliz y patena procedentes de Astorga que se conservan en poder del cardenal arzobispo de Toledo, Emmo. Señor Don Juan Ignacio Moreno”", nº VII, en Museo Español de Antigüedades, Imprenta de T. Fortanet, Madrid.
  • ARIAS MARTÍNEZ, Manuel y SANTOS MARTÍNEZ, José Manuel (2007): "“Cáliz y patena”", en en ÁLVAREZ QUEVEDO, Juan (comisario), Yo camino, Fundación Las Edades del Hombre, Valladolid.
  • CABALLERO CHICA, Javier (2017): "“Santiago de Peñalba y los influjos Hispano-Musulmanes”", nº 14, en ProMonumenta: Revista de la Asociación de Amigos del Patrimonio Cultural de León.
  • FAVREAU, Robert (1993): "“Les inscriptions du calice et de la patène de l'abbé Pelage au Louvre”", vol. 137, nº 1, en Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
  • FRANCO MATA, Ángela (2011): "“Arte medieval leonés fuera de España”", en PÉREZ MULET, Fernando y SOCIAS BATET, Inmaculada (dir.), La Dispersion de Objetos de Arte fuera de Espana en los Siglos XIX y XX, en en PÉREZ MULET, Fernando y SOCIAS BATET, Inmaculada (dir.), La Dispersion de Objetos de Arte fuera de España en los Siglos XIX y XX., Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona.
  • GARCÍA LOBO, Vicente y MARTÍN LÓPEZ, María Encarnación (1995): "“Errores de rogatario en una inscripción del siglo XII”", nº 17, en Estudios humanísticos. Geografía, historia, arte..
  • GÓMEZ MORENO, Manuel Catálogo monumental de España. Provincia de León.
  • MOLINIER, Émile (1888): "“Le calice de l'abbé Pelage au musée du Louvre”", nº 13, en Gazette archéologique.
Record manager
Miguel Hermoso Cuesta

Miguel Hermoso Cuesta, "Paten of abbot Pelagius Fernandiz" in Nostra et Mundi. Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world, Fundación Castilla y León, 2025.