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Lion from Monzón de Campos

Generic classification
ca. 975-1100
Third quarter of the 10th c.
Cultural context / style
Art of al-Andalus
Gilded, Cast
Iconography / Theme
El Castellón (Monzón de Campos, Palencia, Spain)
Current location
Louvre Museum (Paris, France)
Inventory Number in Current Collection
OA 7883
Inscriptions / Marks

ةلما / نملكعشرةبا

baraka kāmila /ni'ma šāmila

Perfect blessing / complete happiness

* The relative location of dealers, antique shops, art galleries, and collectors leads us to the places where they were based or had one of their main headquarters. However, this does not always indicate that every artwork that passed through their hands was physically located there. In the case of antique dealers and art merchants, their business often extended across multiple territories; sometimes they would purchase items at their origin and send them directly to clients. Similarly, some collectors owned multiple residences, sometimes in different countries, where they housed their collections. It is often difficult to determine exactly where a specific piece was kept during its time in their possession. Consequently, the main location of the dealer or collector is indicated. These factors should be considered when interpreting the map. Refer to the object's history in each case.
  • Adey, Elizabeth June (1993): A Study of the Iconography of the Lion in Islamic Art, University of Edinburgh, Edimburgo.
  • Déléry, Claire (2012): "«Lion de Monzon»", Makariou, Sophie (dir.), Les arts de l'Islam au musée du Louvre, Hazan-Musée du Louvre éditions, París, pp. 184-186.
  • Déléry, Claire (2018): "Une bouche de fontaine en forme de lion et un mortier découverts à Monzón de Palencia en Espagne", Contadini, Anna (dir.), The Pisa Griffin and the Mari-Cha Lion: Metalwork, Art, and Technology in the Medieval Islamicate Mediterranean, Pacini Editore, Pisa, pp. 389-393.
  • Dodds, Jerrilynn D (dir.) (1992): Al-Andalus : The art of Islamic Spain, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York, pp. 270-271.
  • Donate, Mercè, Mendoza, Cristina y Quílez i Corella, Francesc (dir.) (2003): Fortuny (1838 - 1874), Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, pp. 416-419.
  • Gomez-Moreno, Manuel (1951): El arte árabe español hasta los Almohades. Arte mozárabe (Ars Hispaniae vol. III), Plus Ultra, Madrid, p. 336.
  • Gutiérrez Arias, Victorio (1926): Monografía histórica de Monzón de Campos (apuntes), Imprenta de El Diario Palentino, Palencia, p. 20.
  • Navarro, Carlos G (2007): "«Testamentaría e inventario de bienes de Mariano Fortuny en Roma»", vol. 9, en Locus Amoenus, pp. 319-349.
  • Roux, Jean-Paul (dir.) (1977): L'Islam dans les collections nationales, Éditions des Musées nationaux, París, pp. 101-102.
  • Villa Calvo, Nicolás (2021): "Algunos objetos hallados en Monzón y ahora en “la diáspora”", nº 91-92, en Publicaciones de la Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses, Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses, Palencia, pp. 81-100.
Record manager
Miguel Hermoso Cuesta

Miguel Hermoso Cuesta, "Lion from Monzón de Campos" in Nostra et Mundi. Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world, Fundación Castilla y León, 2025.