Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world
Technique: polychrome
22 results
The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Public Domain
Choir screen from the Cathedral of Valladolid
Amezúa, Rafael [attributed to]
More informationCincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati. Dominio Público
Tomb Effigy of Don Sancho Saiz Carrillo
More informationHerbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca. Dominio Público
The Adoration of the Shepherds
More informationSource: Stratton, Susan: Spanish Polychrome Sculpture 1500-1800 in U. S. Collections (Washington: University of Washington Press, 1992), 72.
Virgin of the Assumption
Bigarny, Felipe [circle of]
More informationWilliams College Museum of Art, Williamstown
Friezes of the Palace of Curiel de Duero
More informationSource: Siracusano y Tudisco (2009): 6.