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Miraflores Altarpiece

Generic classification
ca. 1445
Second quarter of the 15th c.
Cultural context / style
Flemish painting
Oil Painting
Miraflores Charterhouse (Burgos, Spain)
Current location
Gemäldegalerie. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Berlín, Germany)
Inventory Number in Current Collection
Ident. Nr.: 534A
Inscriptions / Marks


* The relative location of dealers, antique shops, art galleries, and collectors leads us to the places where they were based or had one of their main headquarters. However, this does not always indicate that every artwork that passed through their hands was physically located there. In the case of antique dealers and art merchants, their business often extended across multiple territories; sometimes they would purchase items at their origin and send them directly to clients. Similarly, some collectors owned multiple residences, sometimes in different countries, where they housed their collections. It is often difficult to determine exactly where a specific piece was kept during its time in their possession. Consequently, the main location of the dealer or collector is indicated. These factors should be considered when interpreting the map. Refer to the object's history in each case.
  • GÓMEZ-MORENO, Manuel (1908): "Un trésor de peintures inédites du XV siècle a Grenada", vol. XL, en Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 3rd series, 40 (1908), pp. 289-314..
  • GROSSHANS, Rainald (1981): "Rogier van der Weyden: Der Marienaltar aus der Kartause Miraflores", nº 23, en Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen.
  • KEMPERDICK, Stephan (2015): "Rogier van der Weyden. Tríptico de Miraflores", en CAMPBELL, Lorne (ed.), Rogier van der Weyden y los reinos de la península ibérica, Museo Nacional Del Prado, Madrid, pp. 88-97.
  • KEMPERDICK, Stephan y SANDER, Jochen (eds.) (2009): The master of Flémalle and Rogier van der Weyden, Berlín.
  • KLEIN, Peter Klein (1989): "Dendrochronological Studies on Oak Panels of Rogier van der Weyden and his Circle", en SCHOUTE, Roger van y VEROUGSTRAETE, Hélène (eds.), Le dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture. Colloque VII, Collège Erasme, 17-19 septembre 1987Géographie et chronologie du dessin sous-jacent, Université Catholique de Louvain, Lovaina-la-Nueva.
  • PONZ, Antonio (1783): Viage de España: en que se da noticia de las cosas mas apreciables, y dignas de saberse, que hay en ella, vol. XII, Joachin Ibarra, Madrid.
  • SÁNCHEZ CANTÓN, Francisco Javier (1950): Libros, tapices y cuadros que coleccionó Isabel la Católica, CSIC, Madrid.
  • VAN SCHOUTE, Roger (1963): Les Primitifs flamands. La Chapelle Roya-le de Grenade, Centre national de recherches "Primitifs flamands", Bruselas.
  • VON BODE, Wilhelm (1908): "Roger van der Weydens sogen. Reisealtar Kaiser Karls V. im Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum und der Altar mit den gleichen Darstellungen in der Capilla Real des Doms zu Granada", nº 30, 2, en Amtliche Berichte aus den Königlichen Kunstsammlungen, pp. 29-35.
  • WAUTERS, A. J. "Roger van der Weyden—I", nº 22, en Burlington Magazine, 22 (1912-1913), pp. 75–82.
Record manager
Miguel Ángel Zalama

Miguel Ángel Zalama, "Miraflores Altarpiece" in Nostra et Mundi. Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world, Fundación Castilla y León, 2025.