Cultural Heritage from Castile and Leon around the world
45 results
National Gallery of Art, Washington. Dominio Público
Temptation of Christ
Flandes, Juan de
More informationHerbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca. Dominio Público
The Adoration of the Shepherds
More informationSource: Stratton, Susan: Spanish Polychrome Sculpture 1500-1800 in U. S. Collections (Washington: University of Washington Press, 1992), 72.
Virgin of the Assumption
Bigarny, Felipe [circle of]
More informationFuente: Fiz Fuertes, Irune, Pintura y pintores en Zamora (1525-1580). Un estudio del caso sobre la asimilación del Renacimiento en el noroeste Castellano-Leonés y su irradiación, Universidad de Valladolid, 2023, 61.
Saint Michael
Encinas, Gil de
More informationSource: Fiz Fuertes, Irune. "El expolio de la pintura del primer Renacimiento en Zamora. Una contribución a su estudio y una propuesta de autoría". BSAA Arte 87 (2021): 54.
St. Clare and her sister Agnes welcomed in a convent
Maestro de la Horta
More informationCurrier Museum of Art, New Hampshire
The Crucifixion
The Astorga Master [attributed to] / Maestro de la Horta [attributed to]
More informationMusées royaux des Beaux-Arts, Bélgica.
Adoration of the Magi
Ávila, Lorenzo de [attributed to]
More informationThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Public Domain.
Christ is Born as Man's Redeemer. Story of the Redemption of Man. Tapestry from Burgos Cathedral
More informationThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Public Domain.
Peace and Mercy Win the Promise of Redemption for Man. Story of the Redemption of Man. Tapestry from Burgos Cathedral
More informationThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Public Domain
The Holy Family with Saint Anne. Tapestry from Cathedral of Burgos
More informationWikimedia Commons. Dominio Público
Altarpiece of Santa Ana de Sinovas
Maestro de Sinovas [attributed to]
More informationSource: PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, Alfonso Emilio, NAVARRETE PRIETO, Benito y CURIEL, Gustavo: Tesoros del Museo Soumaya de México siglos XV-XIX (Madrid: Fundación BBVA, 2004), 61.
The Resurrection
Flandes, Juan de
More information© The Hispanic Society of America.
Letters Patent of Nobility of Petitioner Bartolomé de Montoya
Anónimo procedente de Castilla y León
More informationMetropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York. Dominio Público
Saints Michael and Francis
Flandes, Juan de
More informationSource: Siracusano y Tudisco (2009): 6.